If you live in the US or the UK,  you will have no doubt dreamed of spending Christmas in the sun. Heading South. Going down under.

But is Christmas in New Zealand better, or will you spend the holiday season pining for the snow like a pig in a blanket?

In this week’s episode, we explore six major differences between a New Zealand Christmas and holidays in America and the UK.


This episode was originally posted on our It’s a Drama YouTube channel. If you would like to watch rather than listen, you can do that by going to our It’s a Drama channel here. (Warning! As mentioned, we look about twenty years younger…🤣)

And please! Don’t forget to subscribe and share with others who love New Zealand!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support over this last year; you really are wonderful, and we love and appreciate you. Have a safe, happy, and restful holiday. Our hearts beat with yours.

Kia Kaha

Liz and Brian x





In this week’s Christmas in New Zealand episode, Brian and I talk about:

  1. Christmas food
  2. Christmas trees
  3. Boxing Day
  4. Father Christmas/Santa
  5. Time off work
  6. The aftermath of Christmas

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More New Zealand Christmas Content

Christmas on the beach. Weird or wonderful?


This post was originally published on our It’s a Drama site.